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Our partners, our friends

We are really dedicated to helping you launch your business like a dream. Therefore, our help is not limited to product development.


We want to guide you from the time you came out with your idea to the time you have established your business and for that, we are grateful to our business partners who we very carefully picked for you.


They are a great collection of services, coaches, professionals and organizations who can deliver what you would need to launch your dream idea.

who we work with

Knowledge & Training


Exclusive Access To Entourage On Demand


Unlock FREE Online Access The World’s Most Impactful Sales, Marketing & Growth Training For Business Owners (Normally worth $1164).


You'll Get Expert-Led Courses Including:

  • 5 Essential Steps To Building A 7-Figure Business 

  • 22 Strategies To Increase Your Sales Today

  • Building, Leading and Managing A Team Of A-Players

  • How To Get Your First 10 Customers (With Zero Marketing Budget) 

  • The Art of Winning People Over - Connect Your Way to the Top

Design Thinking

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Unleash your innovative superpowers and make your dreams come true!


At THNK.innovation we are passionate about creativity, ideas and their implementation. As a design thinking and innovation agency, we are operating at the intersection of ideation and execution. We are experienced in facilitating the generation of creative ideas and providing assistance in the generation of tangible action plans to bring them to life


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Silicon Beach is one of the largest and fastest growing startup communities in Australia and South-East-Asia. Our mission is to empower startups through education, industry access and uphold communal support from like-minded people.


We are a diverse bunch covering all ages, backgrounds and first point of call for newcomers to startup ecosystem. Dubbed as one of the “Most Active Groups in Meetup” in the world, Silicon Beach connects you to one of the largest tech ecosystems in the world. Our community of over 20,000 members consisting of startup and tech founders, freelancers, entrepreneurs, coders and professionals in the tech industry.

Sales Platform

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Koloxo is the online platform that directly connects manufacturers and brands with millions of consumers around the world.


Finally Consumers can buy products from different manufactures around the world and receive them all within one package via one shipping cost.


A new and improved concept which takes your shopping experience to another level.


Koloxo reduces the distance between the manufactures and the consumer all around the world.

Legal/IP Protection


Legal Vision specialises in giving their clients top-quality legal advice at an affordable, fixed-fee price. Their business lawyers primarily work online. This ensures they can provide legal assistance quickly (often within 48 hours), and at a price below that of a traditional brick and mortar firm.


Legal Vision work on a fixed-fee basis – meaning you’ll never again be surprised by your legal bill. Dream Launch clients can get 10% discount off the LegalVision standard prices for their first project if using the link on the text or mentioning Dream Launch name over the phone.

Funding/ Investment


Emerge Investments is a venture capital firm which is steered by an experienced team who are passionate about helping start-ups and small businesses to avoid failure and thrive.


With expertise in Business, IT and Marketing, Emerge Investments provide hands-on mentoring and investment to start-up founders, early-stage and established SMEs. 

Do you want to be part of our network?

Create the opportunity to meet up with incredible people with great ideas and products? 

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